Holy Land in pandemic

Fundación CARF

CARF Reflection Meeting


As Holy Week approaches, this CARF reflection meeting will allow us to learn more about the land of Jesus Christ from two local experts: Ana Lucia Guerra, an expert on the Holy Land and director of the Red Peregrina travel agency, and Friar Salvador, custodian of the Holy Sepulcher.


February 2022


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What will we talk about at this meeting?

We want to prepare for the beginning of Holy Week with this reflection meeting in which we will have the opportunity to take a virtual tour of the Holy Land.

In this Near Eastern territory Jesus was born, grew up, died and rose from the dead. But visiting the places that reconstruct the life of Jesus is not the only thing that comprises the Holy Land, it also includes places from the Old Testament such as Mount Sinai. This is why traveling to the Holy Land has become one of the most important spiritual experiences, as well as a religious tourism destination par excellence.
Thanks to the dialogue between Friar Salvador Rosas, a Franciscan friar who has been guarding the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem for 10 years, and Ana Lucía Guerra, an expert in the Holy Land and director of the travel agency Red Peregrina, we will travel through the land of Jesus Christ and learn first-hand how the pandemic has been experienced with the closure of the country to tourism and how they are preparing to receive this second Holy Week in times of coronavirus.

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