Pilgrimage to Rome: CARF presents the documentary film In the Footsteps of Jesus

The CARF Foundation organized a meeting to present the documentary In the Footsteps of Jesus in Rome on the occasion of the annual pilgrimage.

Last Tuesday, February 25, CARF Foundation organized a meeting at the Madrid City Hall to present the documentary film "In the Footsteps of Jesus in Rome", by the hand of Antonio Olivie, CEO of Rome Reports, the Vatican news agency, which produced this 47-minute film. One of the objectives of this event was to raise awareness of the Pilgrimage to Rome organized by CARF.

This is the first documentary to bring together all the relics related to the Passion of Christ found in Rome. The film examines the authenticity and the paths taken by some of these relics from the Holy Land to their present location in the Eternal City. Many people pilgrimage to Rome to learn about the elements related to the Passion of Christ.

It was a great success. The Berlanga hall of the Madrid City Hall was filled with friends and benefactors of CARF. In addition, at the end of the presentation of the documentary, two trips to participate in the  Roman Encounter 2020 to be held from October 20 to 25: "Live the Magic of the Vatican and enjoy an unforgettable experience". The Caixa Bank Foundation, which has been collaborating with CARF for more than ten years, sponsored this event.

Las Huellas de Jesús en Roma.

The Footprints of Jesus in Rome.

CARF in the press 

Some media outlets reported on this event. Thus, Religion Confidential Antonio Olivie explained some of the film's curiosities. This is the first documentary to be made by a comprehensive research to show how and why they come from Jerusalem, some of the relics that were part of the Passion of Jesus.

The director of Rome Reports also affirmed that without knowing with certainty that the relics belonged to Christ "there are many indications that show that they are elements that were part of the Passion. What is proven is that all these elements come from the Middle East, according to the research carried out. All these relics materialize the faith".

Antonio Olivie also explained that there are many researchers worldwide (and not necessarily Catholic) who offer evidence that these relics had been venerated by many Christians in the Middle East.

The Cross and the lance of the Crucifixion 

The documentary explains how some of the relics found in St. Peter's Basilica came to be in the Basilica: lthe spear of the crucifixion, the veil of the Veronica and a piece of the Cross brought by St. Helena, the mother of Constantine, the first Christian emperor.

The film also documents the story of the `Holy Way' that Christ traveled on the way to his execution, where are the thorns of the crown of the Lord or the flagellation column.

The documentary is sponsored by the Dr. Ramon Tallaj Foundation, a physician who was reconverted in St. Peter's Basilica.

Also Alpha and Omega publishes an article on the event. The Weekly of the Archbishopric of Madrid delves into the idea of the importance of preserving these relics for Christianity and the authority of the papacy. "This documentary tries to explain the importance of Rome as a city, as the center of Christianity, as the seat of the Pope, linked to all the relics it has", assured during the presentation -organized by CARF- the general director of the agency Antonio Olivié.

Alfa y Omega points out that in the Eternal City the following are preserved from the bones of St. Peter to the nails of Christ, through thorns from the crown of thorns, the spear of the soldier Longinus or a piece of the Cross of Christ. "Christians are not followers of a book, we are followers of a real person, who has lived, and all these relics, somehow reinforce that faith," Olivie said.

Many of these relics arrived in Rome after the Muslims conquered Jerusalem and the last Christian stronghold, St. John of Acre, fell. The footprints of Jesus in Rome is specially tailored for Easter and has already been sold to television platforms in countries such as South Korea, Czech Republic, USA and Hungary, and "we have open negotiations with more than 20 countries," said Olivie.

Experience the magic of the Vatican 

One of the novelties of the pilgrimage to Rome "Experience the magic of the Vatican". The purpose of the event organized by CARF will be to get to know some of the relics of Christ's Passion in Rome and visit the tomb of St. Peter, a place to which only 100 people a day have access.

In addition, on this pilgrimage to Rome, pilgrims will follow the Footsteps of Jesus in Rome by visiting holy places that preserve important relics of Christianity, such as Santa Maria Maggiore or the Holy Ladder. They will also visit the educational institutions CARF helps.

More information at this video. 
