Melvin is ordained a priest: hope in times of pandemic

Melvin Mangalath Paul is of Indian descent and a Syro-Malabar Catholic. He was ordained to the priesthood in Chicago. Hope in times of pandemic.

With one and a half million people infected to date, the coronavirus is wreaking havoc in the United States. As has happened in other parts of the world, even the big American cities, which we are used to seeing bustling with activity and a frenetic pace of life, are now largely paralyzed and almost deserted.

An almost unreal silence reigns in the streets in times of pandemic. The atmosphere is very bleak. But here too, however, there are reasons for hope. One of these has been the ordination to the priesthood of Melvin Mangalath Paula former student of Sedes SapientiaeThe event was held last Saturday, May 16, in the populous Chicago, capital of the state of Illinois. Melvin Priest, hope in times of pandemic. 

Of Indian descent

Fr. Melvin received priestly formation at the International Ecclesiastical College Sedes Sapientiae in Rome for three years: from 2016 to 2019, while studying theology at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross.

Of Indian descent, Melvin and his family are Syro-Malabar Catholics.. They emigrated to the United States several decades ago and, like many others in this situation, have had to overcome numerous obstacles and difficult times to get ahead.


Melvin received his priestly formation at the International Ecclesiastical College Sedes Sapientiae in Rome for three years.

Melvin saw his priestly vocation clearly during a volunteer activity in Haiti, when in 2012 he helped in the reconstruction of a country still prostrated by the terrible earthquake that had devastated it two years earlier. He and his family are of Indian descent and Syro-Malabar rite Catholics. In the picture, wearing a hat. 

WYD in Madrid and Haiti

Since he was a child, Melvin breathed in his home an atmosphere impregnated with faith. In the parish, he attended a youth movement that helped him grow in his spiritual life. His spiritual life was awakened. vocational concern, which later had two important milestones: its participation in the World Youth Day held in Madrid in 2011He also visited Haiti in 2012 to help in the reconstruction of a country still prostrated by the terrible earthquake that had devastated it two years earlier.

There, the Lord used the example of an Italian missionary priest, who had dedicated his life to serving the Haitian people, to make Melvin understand that this, the priesthood, was what he wanted from him.

Ordination without the attendance of the faithful

Melvin's ordination to the priesthood has been surrounded by uncertainty, like so many other things in these times of Covid-19. In the end, his Bishop decided to keep the fixed date and The celebration was held at the Cathedral of the Eparchy of St. Thomas in Chicago.

But, of course, without the attendance of the faithful. Only a few few priests, his parents, his sister and the fiancé of the company accompanied Melvin during the ceremony.

The new priest would have liked to have had the support of many more family members and friends, as well as the whole community. siro-malabar community of Chicagobut consoled himself by remembering that St. John Paul II, to whom he has great devotion, he was also ordained without the presence of the faithfulThe archbishop of Krakow's private chapel, in this case to evade communist persecution.

Melvin se dirige a los fieles. Durante su diaconado ha servido en diversas parroquias de la Eparquía.

Melvin addresses the faithful. During his diaconate he has served in several parishes in the Eparchy.


Melvin was ordained to the priesthood without the assistance of the faithful. Only a few priests, his parents, his sister and her fiancé accompanied him during the ceremony.

Melvin before his ordination to the priesthood. As a deacon, he has been ministering in different parishes. Pictured here celebrating a feast day at the parish, with the image of St. Thomas the Apostle in the center. The Eparchy of St. Thomas was established in Chicago in 2001 to serve Syro-Malabar Catholics throughout the United States. It currently has 87,600 faithful, 42 parishes and 75 priests.

Syro-Malabar Catholics in the United States

The Eparchy of St. Thomas was established in Chicago in 2001 to serve Syro-Malabar Rite Catholics throughout the United States. It currently has 87,600 faithful, 42 parishes and 75 priests.

As a deacon, Melvin has been exercising his ministry in different parishes, after having been a deacon for several years. a few months in India to familiarize themselves with this ancient rite and its traditions, as well as to improve their command of the Malayalam language.

Melvin remembers with great affection his three years of formation in Rome and all that he received at Sedes Sapientiae. He also expresses his heartfelt gratitude for the generosity of benefactors of the various foundations that support the University of the Holy Cross. Thanks to them, it is possible to continue to have strong reasons for hope even in the midst of the pandemic.

He encourages all benefactors and friends to participate in CARF's campaign, "Let no vocation be lost".

Melvin Ejerciendo el ministerio diaconal, durante una procesión.

Melvin exercising the diaconal ministry, during a procession.
