Benjamin, brother of Miles Christi: from Texas ranch to dedication to God

Benjamin is training to become a priest in Rome. He belongs to the Miles Christi congregation. He tells how he went from Texas ranching to giving himself to God.

Benjamin King is a brother in formation for the priesthood at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome) thanks to a CARF scholarship. He was born in Texas (USA) and belongs to the Miles Christi Religious Institute. Write a letter to the benefactors telling how he went from the Texas ranch to surrendering to God.

Texas Texas ranch 

"My name is Benjamin King and I am a brother in priestly formation in the Religious Institute. Miles Christi. I was born in Texas (USA) but grew up in the state of Virginia. I have three older siblings: two sisters and a brother. My vocation is a journey from having what a young man might desire, to retiring to my parents' Texas ranch, to finally giving myself to God.

Thank God, my family is catholic and practicing and they gave me a good Christian formation and I even went to the parish school until high school. That Catholic environment, the faith lived in the family and the activity in the parish, gave me principles that, thanks to God, I never lost, although sometimes I strayed from the right path.

Participate in the parish youth group.

When I started high school, "high school", I broke the tradition of my siblings and went to a public school, because I had some friends who also went there. Being the first of my siblings to go to a public school, my mom told me that I had to participate in the parish youth group and some youth retreats.

It was just one of these withdrawals where I received the first grace, let's say remarkable, that made me think about vocation. Unfortunately, the enthusiasm and fervor of the moment gave way to the distractions of sports, friends, parties, and I did not want to give up anything.

Flight from God

It was when my flight from God beganI have had a roller coaster of ups and downs, attempts to reconcile God's call, my vocation, with the promises and desires of the world. A reconciliation that never produced happiness.

My life went like this: on the one hand, I tried to ignore what I had seen and felt in those retreats and, at the same time, I wanted to convince myself that my happiness was in things, pleasures, etc. I wanted to show myself and God that I was not there for what He had put in my heart.

University years

So, I put all my attention on having fun, on having a good time, always thinking that I could keep myself in the middle, that is to say, lead a more or less, let's say, Catholic life, but I was always thinking that I could keep myself in the middle. without following the path that God I had in mind for myself.

I went to the University of Virginia TechI studied agriculture and economics, and received my degree after 4 years of parties and a very mundane life. At that time, I was finishing college, facing a new beginning and forced to make a decision for the future. I knew God was calling me to something, but I was not ready to see it.

Everything a young person could want

After I finished college, I started working in another state, South Carolina, in investments and insurance. At that time I had everything a young man could want: money, a sports car, friends, trips, we went out every night, played golf.... everything the world says will make you happy and fulfill you.

However, once the party was over, dark moments would come to me where I realized the contradiction that lived and sadness: I was not happy. In spite of the fact that the Lord had blessed me with everything, I was not happy.

I knew that God had a plan for me, that He was calling me, but I was afraid and did not want to abandon myself to Him. Anyway, I got my act together and remembering something of my Catholic formation, I thought of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, a way to see what God had in mind for me.

"Once the party was over, dark moments came to me where I realized the contradiction I was living and the sadness: I was not happy."

Benjamin King, Texas (USA)

Benjamin King is a brother in formation for the priesthood at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome) thanks to a CARF scholarship. He was born in Texas (USA) and belongs to the Religious Institute of the Holy Cross in Rome. Miles Christi. He had everything: a good job, money, fun, parties. But it was not fulfilling. He went on a spiritual retreat and saw that God was asking something of him. However, he decided to delay that decision and, without saying anything to anyone, he reached an agreement with his father: he would work with the horses on the Texan ranch, training and breaking some of his own and would help with the farm work at his parents' house. That was the beginning of his discernment. 


One month of retreat

It seemed crazy to leave everything for a month to make a retreat, but I was determined. But before I left for these retreats, I started praying, attending daily mass and providentially I found in an online Catholic forum some weekend retreats according to the method of the exercises of St. Ignatius with the congregation of Miles Christi. I looked for information and they were organizing a retreat in Virginia very close to my parents' house. Everything was perfect.

I finished the retreat convinced that, perhapsI had a vocation. So, I made a resolution to quit my job and return to my parents' house in the country, so I could discern my vocation. vocation away from everything and I would also be freer to follow what God was asking of me.

At the Texan ranch  

But something told me that I should delay the decision for later and, without telling anyone, I reached an agreement with my dad: I would work with the horses, training and breaking one of ours, and I would help with the farm stuff at my parents' house.

A year or so went by. I was trying to convince myself that what I had seen at the retreat was nothing. In the meantime, the priest who had preached those exercises kept in touch with me and even sent me a book to read, which helped me a lot.

"I finally gave up. I went to visit the training house of Miles Christi in Michigan, and there I saw it all clearly".

Benjamín King

One of the missions of the Religious Institute is the sanctification of the laity, particularly the youth. Benjamin says that now he has the opportunity to guide and help many souls, many young people to true happiness. He became part of Miles Christi in 2013 and began his formation in the Michigan community. Since the congregation has its motherhouse in Argentina, he also received formation in 2016 in the city of Lujan, Buenos Aires province. He is now in Rome, studying at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. "It is an enormous grace to be able to study in the Eternal City, something that would be impossible without the generosity and charity of the benefactors," he says. 

Surrender to God

I finally gave up. I went to visit the training house of Miles Christi in Michigan, and there I saw it all clearly. In a couple of days, I clearly felt the renunciation that the Lord was asking of me, and it was really like an exchange: I had to give up everything to receive EVERYTHING.

I saw without any doubt that God wanted me there and that, since I had ignored Him, now in Miles Christiwhere we have as our mission the sanctification of the laity, particularly young people, I was going to have the opportunity to guide and help many souls, many young people to true happiness.

Training in Argentina and Rome

I joined Miles Christi in 2013 and began my formation in the Michigan community, but since our congregation has its motherhouse in Argentina, I also received formation in 2016 in the city of Lujan, province of Buenos Aires, the heart of the Congregation.

I am now in Rome, studying at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. It is an enormous grace to be able to study in the Eternal City, something that would be impossible without the generosity and charity of the people of Rome. benefactors.

I see it as when I arrived at the motherhouse of my congregation in Argentina, but of the Universal Church. We come to Rome to be able to receive an integral formation, Catholic, in all its beauty and richness, cultural, artistic and historical, everything... it is much more than books. There is no doubt that thanks to our benefactors, I can be a more complete religious, if I can say so, more Catholic. 
