Digital technologies and the common good

In an address to the International Catholic Legislators Network (27-VIII-2021), Pope Francis recalled that we are still in a difficult moment: "The Covid-19 pandemic is raging".

Difficult, not only because of this, but also because it is necessary to face the difficulties, particularly the educational difficulties, that this crisis has highlighted: "Tackling the root causes that the crisis has revealed and amplified: poverty, social inequality, widespread unemployment and lack of access to education."

Digital technologies

Pope Francis also referred to the role of digital technologies in relation to the common good, human dignity and, implicitly, education. "The wonders of science and modern technology have increased our quality of life." (cf. Laudato Sí', 102).

And he adds "However, left to themselves and only to market forces, without proper guidelines given by legislatures and other public authorities guided by a sense of social responsibility, these innovations can threaten the dignity of the human being".

Warns that it is not a question of slowing down technological progress, but of protecting human dignity.especially in relation to the plague of child pornography, exploitation of personal data, attacks on critical infrastructures such as hospitals, widespread falsehoods through social networks, etc., in the digital world.

Digital technologies at the service of true progress

In this sense, "attentive legislation can and should guide the evolution and application of technology for the common good.". And what he points out for legislators can necessarily serve for all educators with a view to giving a truly human sense to progress:

"I encourage (...) to assume the duty of serious and profound moral reflection on the risks and opportunities inherent in scientific and technological progress".The aim is to ensure that the legislation and international norms that regulate them can focus on the promotion of integral human development and peace, rather than on progress per se.

The Pope underlines something that is self-evident, but which should encourage us to work - without waiting for everything to be given to us - precisely now, when we are trying to get out of the pandemic. And to come out of it better, also, as far as possible, from the point of view of educational:

"To heal the world, sorely tested by the pandemic, and to build a more inclusive and sustainable future where digital technologies serve human needs and do not isolate us from one another, not only responsible citizens but also leaders are needed prepared and encouraged by the principle of common good".

It would be interesting to ask ourselves if we are preparing these leaders (legislators, politicians, communicators, educators, etc.) in relation to our culture and digital technologies.

Mr. Ramiro Pellitero Iglesias
Professor of Pastoral Theology
Faculty of Theology
University of Navarra
