Jerome, from Nigeria, defends a thesis on Ratzinger in Navarre

Jerome Omoregie is a Nigerian priest who has just finished defending his thesis on Ratzinger in Navarra. He recounts some difficulties in his country.

Jerome Omoregie is a 41-year-old priest from Ikeja (Nigeria). In 2015, the tenth anniversary of his priestly ordination, the Archbishop of his diocese (Lagos), Archbishop Aifred Martins, sent him to study for a Licentiate in Theology at the Ecclesiastical Faculties of the University of Navarra. He was able to complete this degree thanks to the financial assistance of the CARF Foundation.

Jerome, the eldest of five siblingsHe came to Spain without knowing any of the language. "I learned it when I came here. My mother tongue is English along with two official Nigerian dialects. But now, in addition to Spanish, I speak German and understand a little Italian and French," he says.

Change of habits

For Fr. Omoregie study in Navarra has meant a wonderful time of learning that has helped him to focus on his studies. "There is a very good atmosphere at the University and it has allowed me to learn about other aspects of human training and other cultures that are very different from mine. I have met many people who have helped me adapt."

When she arrived in Spain, she had to change some customs: meal times, different foods or even the way of greeting. "I think we're a little more open-minded back home than we are here," he says with a smile. "But I have made very good friends. I am very grateful to the University for everything I have learned and for everything they have helped me with, to the professors and especially to the people who work in the Library for their help in getting the materials I have needed," he explains.

First student to defend his thesis after Covid

Fr. Jerome is in the news at the University because he was the first student to defend his doctoral thesis at the Ecclesiastical Faculties after the confinement by COVID-19, and the second at the University of Navarra. This time of confinement has allowed him to polish certain parts of the work and deepen some specific lines of research.

His dissertation entitled "The ecumenical theology of Joseph Ratzinger in the light of Unitatis Redintegratio" the position of the Pope emeritus on how the Catholic Church's self-understanding guides its relationship with other churches and ecclesial communities.

"Ratzinger affirms that Christian unity is possible and that it is a slow and painstaking process."

Jerome Omoregie was the first student to defend his doctoral thesis in the Ecclesiastical Faculties of the University of Navarra after the COVID-19 confinement. This time of confinement has allowed him to polish certain parts of the work and to deepen some concrete lines of research. His dissertation entitled "The ecumenical theology of Joseph Ratzinger in the light of Unitatis Redintegratio"The Pope Emeritus' position on how the Catholic Church's self-understanding guides its relationship with other churches and ecclesial communities.

An investigation of Ratzinger 

"Ratzinger affirms that Christian unity is possible. and that it is a slow and painstaking process; and emphasizes that true Christian unity is the action of the Trinity," he explains.

To understand Ratzinger he had to learn German. In 2017 he took a course at the Language Institute of the University of Navarra and in 2019 he went to Frankfurt (Germany) to go deeper.

"I wrote the thesis in English, defended it in Spanish and the original texts I worked with are in German. It has been a demanding job," he explains.

The research was conducted under the direction of professor Pablo Blanco and with the advice of Professor Francisco Varoboth professors of the Faculty of Theology.

"I would like to dedicate myself to young people." 

He is now waiting for his bishop to inform him of the plan he has for him, although he assures that he is open to whatever he indicates.  

"I would like, on the one hand, to dedicate myself to the education and training of young people.. Formation is the key to a well-developed society. And, on the other hand, in the pastoral aspect, I would like to work for the people, to share their moments of joy and pain. To participate and share the testimony of faith," he says.



"As Christians, we must entrust Nigeria to the guidance of the Holy Spirit whose action penetrates the hearts of all men."

Jerome Omoregie says that as a sovereign nation, Nigeria has a bright future. However, it has not yet been able to grow sustainably because of the social problems that have dogged it since its foundation. Achieving the desired peaceful coexistence has become one of its greatest challenges.

The future of Nigeria 

In a article written by him in Palabra magazineJerome Omoregie states that  as a sovereign nation, Nigeria has a bright future. However, it has not yet been able to grow in a sustainable way because of the social problems that have haunted it since its foundation. Achieving the desired peaceful coexistence has become one of its greatest challenges.

He points out in the same article that in recent years, the reality of Christians in Nigeria has been affected by the emergence of radical Islamist groups. Persecution has reached the point of placing Nigeria as the country where the second most Christians are attacked, according to Open Doors' 2017 World Persecution List.

Fr. Jerome Omoregie is saddened that Christian churches have been and continue to be the main targets of terrorist attacks.

Fraternal dialogue 

"Our current objective is to reconcile aggrieved parties of the affected communities. Thanks to the negotiations, life is gradually returning to normal and it is hoped that the lost confidence will be restored again."

"Fraternal dialogue, quality education and universal respect, without exceptions, become essential tools to guarantee the longed-for peace. As Christians, we must also entrust Nigeria to the guidance of the Holy Spirit who blows where he wills and whose transforming action penetrates the hearts of all men," says the Nigerian priest.

