Church financing in Spain

Fundación CARF

CARF Reflection Meeting


In this first CARF reflection meeting, we answer all the questions that make up the debate on the financing of the Church in Spain, such as: Should Church assets be exempt from taxation?


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What will we talk about at this meeting?

From time to time, the political, legal and social debate on the financing of the Catholic Church resurfaces. Again and again the same questions are raised.

Can the neutral State finance the religious phenomenon? Is any form of economic collaboration between the State and the Churches admissible? Should the assets of the Catholic Church be exempt from taxation? And those of minority religious denominations? Is the economic collaboration of the State with religion in Spain comparable to that of other European countries? Should churches and religious communities receive subsidies from public funds on similar terms to non-profit organizations? Is religion privileged in comparison with trade unions, political parties, the press, culture, sports, science or research?
In this CARF reflection meeting we will try to answer these and other questions from the hand of Silvia MeseguerProfessor of State Ecclesiastical Law at the Complutense University of Madrid and Corresponding Academician of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation.

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