CARF Reflection Meeting: Jesús Poveda, Canceled Children

Dr. Jesús Poveda is one of the main promoters of the pro-life movement in Spain. He is a Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, founder of Jóvenes Pro-Vida and president of Pro-Vida Madrid.

In this Reflection Meeting organized by CARF and the OMNES magazine, discussed the Campaign Cancelled  an initiative of the Catholic Association of Propagandists, for the purpose of to give a voice to all those people who have been cancelled for saying common sense things and making this world a more livable place.

Poveda is precisely one of those interviewed in the campaign Niños Cancelados, whose video has more than 51,000 views.

Prayer is great

"The Campaign has been very successful with its slogan. "Praying is great." and the Minister of Equality, the Minister of Health and the Minister of Justice became very nervous because of these three words: praying is great," he said.

Jesús Poveda has denounced that a 16-year-old girl, if she wants to get a tattoo, must ask her parents' permission, but if she wants to have an abortion, she can circumvent their permission. "That is a legal contradiction."

One year in jail for praying

Regarding the reform of the Abortion Law that provides for up to one year in jail for anyone who peacefully prays in front of abortion clinicsaccuses the government of "controlling eagerness. She thought that if the police, before filing a complaint, were to ask people in front of abortion clinics if they were praying that there would be no abortion, or that their daughter, if she is having an abortion, would not have any complications and would come out well and would not have any problems". I do not believe that this law can be enforced and if it is enforced, we will be at the border and in the trench.".

They intend to curb information

Poveda asserts that abortion clinics do not want information because they profit from a millionaire business.

"I have been in the Senate at the hand of Jaime Mayor Oreja and also in the Assembly of Madrid invited by Vox I went with a girl who had a child with 15 years and that his father had taken him forcibly to the clinic to have an abortion. She said that, thanks to the rescuers, she is the mother of her daughter. The results of the help must be shown. If this law goes ahead, many people will come out to show their disagreement.

Encuentro de Reflexión CARF - Niños Silenciados - Aborto prohibición de rezar frente a las clínicas abortistas.

This CARF Reflection meeting can be replayed by clicking on the link

The first ultrasound

Poveda has announced that, a hundred meters from an abortion clinic, a nurse has set up another clinic called "The First Ultrasound". "We will go to distribute publicity for this other clinic. The street cannot be silenced. When the law is unjust, sometimes there is the penitentiary".

Dr. Poveda has been arrested more than 20 times for speaking out against abortion in front of abortion centers.

"Freedom of expression is a right. But the police have arrested me, I have gone to the police station, I have gone to trial, and in the 25 trials I have had, I have been acquitted. The judge has said that the right to information is more important than the detriment to that information. There is a radicalized sector in the Government, with social rejection, which insists that women have to have an abortion without thinking for three days and without information. The more informed a woman is, the freer she is".

What you need in order not to abort

In the pro-life movement, the rescuers ask the woman what she needs in order not to have an abortion. "We have solutions to unemployment, therapies, aid, material goods. Our mission as rescuers is to give an answer to the question of what do you need in order not to have an abortion," says Poveda.

For those who accuse women who want to have an abortion of coercion for standing in front of an abortion clinic, Poveda distinguishes between coercion and provocation.

"It is a provocation to pray in front of an abortion clinic, but they cannot take away our right to inform. The police who stand in front of an abortion clinic are going to ask: are you praying for the abortion not to take place or for the abortion to go well? I think it is a law that is impossible to apply. In a country like Spain that thieves also pray. This law is trying to scare the próvida, but we próvida are not scared, we are stimulated".

"They stop aborting those who stop ignoring."

In contrast to the 100,000 abortions that are practiced in Spain, the doctor of medicine recalls that no abortions are practiced in the public health system because he does not know of any head of service who is in favor of abortion. "It is a lucrative business where a lot of money is made," he insisted, and reminded us that there are several foundations that help women to have their children.

For him, "those who stop ignoring stop having abortions. It is a very dramatic issue, which is ignorance. Also the interest of the abortion centers, who notice that the presence of rescuers slows down these abortions. And the union of abortion establishments has been the one who has insisted on this legislation. It is impossible to legislate on information and prayer. From a legal point of view, it is not sustainable. It is very difficult to legislate the intention on what is being done in the street, such as a prayer".

Abortion law in Colombia

With respect to the abortion law that has been passed in Colombiawhich allows abortion up to six months for babies in the womb, calls on the Latin American pro-life movement to do its part to ensure that this law, even if passed, will not be effective.


It is also regretted that many funeral services have had to go to abortion clinics to collect embryonic waste. Finally, he reminded that helping the próvida task is a task for life.

Marta Santín 
Journalist specializing in religious information. 
