Mr. Javier Ruza, new Rector of Bidasoa

Javier Ruza (Madrid, 1956) never imagined that he would be rector of a seminary. That is why, when he was informed that he would be the new rector of Bidasoa, he received the news with surprise. "It is an opportunity to rejuvenate my priesthood".

Javier Ruza González, ordained priest in 1987 in the Marian Sanctuary of Torreciudad, assures us that the welcome at the Bidasoa International Seminary has been excellent, fine and simple. "The formators and seminarians have helped me and facilitated everything that has involved me to start a pastoral task as attractive as the one faced in the Seminary". 

Rejuvenate your priesthood

What did you think when you received the news that you would be the new rector of Bidasoa?

Well... that I was facing a new opportunity in my life to trust in God, because I had never imagined myself to be rector of a seminary; is a task that is beyond me but God will provide.

I also thought: "This is an opportunity that God is giving me to rejuvenate my priesthood... I am going to collaborate as an instrument to help future priests... This is the way I have to continue working in the work of redemption... I have to frame this work in the way of being a saint".

These are the thoughts I had at that time. There were also other thoughts of a different kind: farewells - I had been living in the same city for nineteen years with the same pastoral work -, suitcases, paperwork, etc.

Loved and accompanied 

What has been your impression during your first weeks in Bidasoa?

I have felt loved and accompanied in everything: from the task of memorizing names, surnames, places of origin of the seminarians, adaptation to the ways of doing things in the seminary, the city of Pamplona, etc. to the support I have found to make a short excursion, to know a place in the city, to find a book in the library of the seminary, a tool to tighten a screw, a detailed explanation of the seminary garden, etc...: Bidasoa is a family.

"This is an opportunity God is giving me to rejuvenate my priesthood and the way I have to continue working in the work of redemption."

The greatest challenge: to be a good priest

What do you consider to be your greatest challenge in this new stage of your ministry?

The greatest challenge: to be a good priest. As the new rector, I thank my predecessors: Fr Juan [Alonso], Fr Miguel Ángel Marco, Fr Juan Luis Bastero, Fr Carlos Moreda and Fr Tomás Belda (q.e.p.). I wish to thank them because they have done a splendid job, from which I benefit because they have opened and traced a very good path.

Pope Francis' advice

What do you expect from the seminarians of Bidasoa?

Of the seminarists of Bidasoa I hope that they love God and the Blessed Virgin. I also hope that seminarians and formators will make our own the advice that Pope Francis gave us in the letter he wrote to us last May 31. They are perfect, precious and precise pieces of advice.

Joaquín Rebolé, a native of Pamplona, has been appointed Vice Rector of the Bidasoa International Seminary. He has carried out his priestly work focused on university pastoral ministry, among other tasks in the Prelature of Opus Dei.

Welcome to this great Family!

"I hope that the seminarians of Bidasoa will love God and Our Lady. I also hope that seminarians and formators will make our own the advice that Pope Francis gave us in the letter he wrote to us last May 31. They are perfect, precious and precise pieces of advice".

D.Javier Ruza con seminaristas filipinos

Javier Ruza poses with Filipino seminarians from Bidsoa celebrating the feast day of St. Lorenzo Ruiz, the first Filipino martyr saint who was martyred on September 29, 1637 in Nagasaki. For Filipino Catholics, celebrating St. Lawrence Ruiz is a very special occasion to share part of their culture and joy. One of the cultural numbers presented was the Tinikling, a typical dance of the Philippines, in which Filipino, Mexican, Indian and Spanish seminarians participated.
