How to live Christmas?

navidad cristiana

The weak and defenseless child of Bethlehem is God. He was not born to seek conflict with the Roman power nor with the tyranny of those who believed themselves to be infallible interpreters of the Law, but He did not shrink from error, the force of evil or injustice.

The meaning of Christian Christmas

el sentido de la navidad

Christian Christmas is the feast of love and joy, hope, reconciliation, justice and peace. All these feelings will be real if we allow the Child Jesus to be born in our hearts and enlighten them. Because, as Benedict XVI said, "if we do not recognize that God became man, what is the point of celebrating Christmas? The celebration is empty.

Guide to the Novena to the Immaculate Conception of Mary

novena a la inmaculada

The Immaculate Conception novena is a special period of prayer and reflection leading up to the celebration of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception on December 8. This novena, which extends over nine days, is a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in spirituality and deepen your Catholic faith.