Digital technologies and the common good

In an address to the International Catholic Legislators Network (27-VIII-2021), Pope Francis recalled that we are still in a difficult moment: "The Covid-19 pandemic is raging".

What are the 7 deadly sins?

There is a group of sins which we call capital sins. St. Thomas Aquinas says that "they are those which have an excessively desirable end so that in their desire, a man commits many sins, all of which are said to originate in that vice as their principal source" (II-II:153:4).

Fratelli tutti: Social friendship

La intención del Papa Francisco para el apostolado de la oración, es la amistad social.
Se trata de una realidad expresada en su encíclica Fratelli tutti (3-X-2020). Forma binomio con la fraternidad universal. Tiene su raíz principal en el amor o la caridad. Y de ella se deducen consecuencias bien concretas, en relación con la doctrina social, objeto de la encíclica.

How to recite the Chaplet of Divine Mercy?

The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is a devotion of the Catholic Church linked especially to the Mercy of God. This Feast of Divine Mercy is celebrated on the Sunday following Easter and was proposed by St. John Paul II in 2000.