Religious persecution and the right to asylum

The right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion is a fundamental right recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and regional human rights protection systems. However, persecution on religious grounds occurs in various countries around the world.

Pasolini and the two Pablos

The Italian director wanted to make a film on the life of St. Paul, but it was not well received by religious or secular circles, although the script was published.

The meaning of suffering in God

In the face of the brutal violence of today's war, there will be those who ask where God is. And we Christians say: here, God is here, suffering with us and with all those who suffer, now and until the end of the world.

Lent for early Christians

We will have to wait until the fourth century to find the first glimpses of an organic structure of this liturgical season. At the end of the fourth century, Rome already knew the Lenten structure of forty days.