Needs and challenges of the priest's affective life


The study by psychiatrist Carlos Chiclana focuses on the affective and emotional needs, deficiencies and challenges of priests and seminarians. The results show the importance of taking good care of them during their formation.

Priestly vocations: a call for support and formation

Vocaciones sacerdotales

El Anuario Pontificio 2022 revela un crecimiento en las vocaciones religiosas en todo el mundo; destaca el aumento de seminaristas en África y Asia. Este fenómeno refleja un interés por la vida religiosa y el compromiso con la fe en esos continentes.

How to help seminarians?

God calls seminarians to live a life of love for Christ and for others. He has sown in them the seed of vocation and entrusted us to their care. March is Seminary Month, how can we help seminarians and future priests?

How to live Holy Week?

Holy Week is the most important liturgical moment of the year. We relive the decisive moments of our redemption. The Church guides us from Palm Sunday to the Cross and Resurrection on how to live Holy Week.

Jacques Philippe: keys to hope in times of crisis

jacques philippe

At an event on November 24 at the Omnes Forum of Villanova University in Madrid, Jacques Philippe, a prominent French Catholic author, shared profound reflections on spirituality in the contemporary world. More than two hundred people were immersed in the fundamental question: Do we need God?