Priestly vocations: a call for support and formation

Vocaciones sacerdotales
El Anuario Pontificio 2022 revela un crecimiento en las vocaciones religiosas en todo el mundo; destaca el aumento de seminaristas en África y Asia. Este fenómeno refleja un interés por la vida religiosa y el compromiso con la fe en esos continentes.

In the context of the distribution of the Pontifical Yearbooks and the Annuarium Statisticum Ecclesiae, published by the Libreria Editrice Vaticana and edited by the Central Statistical Office of the Church, a certain growth in the number of seminarians in different regions of the world has been observed in recent years. These numerical data provide a detailed view of the evolution of priestly vocations and their importance for the Church on a global level.

Priestly vocations around the world

According to data provided by the Pontifical Yearbook 2022 and the Ecclesiastical Statistical Yearbook 2020, published by the Vatican, have shown an increase of decrease in the number of seminarians in different parts of the world in recent years. The data reflect, however, the interest and increasing vocation of many people to religious life.

Statistical reports indicate that the upward trend in the number of religious and Catholics is a global phenomenon, although with significant regional variations. Areas such as Africa and Asia are experiencing an increase in the number of priestly vocations, while in other regions the growth may be negative.

It is important to note that this growth refers not only to the number of seminarians, but also to the quality of their formation and their commitment to the Church and the community. Priestly formation is an integral process that requires not only theological knowledge, but also ethical, spiritual and service values, among others.

Numerical data variation and localization

During the period under review, an absolute increase of 16 million baptized Catholics in the world has been observed, from 1.344 million in 2019 to 1.360 million in 2020, representing an increase of approximately 1.2 %. This growth is a positive sign that reflects the interest and vocation of many people towards religious life and the priesthood. In analyzing the distribution of Catholics by continent, the following trends stand out:

  • Africa and AsiaThe number of Catholic priests and priestly vocations increased notably, with increases of 2.1 % in Africa and 1.8 % in Asia.
  • Europe and AmericaThe growth rate of the first half of the year was more moderate, with an increase of 0.3 1Q4Q4.
    in Europe and 0.3 % in the Americas. Although these figures are lower in terms of
    The relative share of the population is still significant in absolute terms, due to the large population of
    Catholic in these regions.

Highlights of the pontifical yearbook and statistical data

The pontifical yearbook is an important source of information on the Catholic Church worldwide. It provides data on the number of Catholics in the world, the number of diocesan and religious priests, as well as the evolution of religious vocations and consecrated life.

1- Number of Catholics in the world: The report states that the number of Catholics in the world has maintained an upward trend in recent decades, especially in regions such as Africa and Asia. This trend reflects the growth of the Catholic Church in areas with larger populations and also the evangelization effort in different parts of the world.

2- Number of diocesan and religious priests: provides data on the number of diocesan and religious priests in different countries. This number has experienced significant variations in different regions, with areas such as Africa and Asia showing an increase in the number of priests. Some parts of Europe and North America have seen a decrease of 4,117 priests compared to the previous year.

3-Number of seminarians and priestly formation: the number of seminarians in formation and priestly formation are key aspects of the yearbooks. In 2019, the total number of candidates for the priesthood was 114,058, while in 2020 it decreased to 111,855 worldwide. This downward trend was especially evident in Europe, the Americas and Asia, with Africa being the only region to experience an increase in the number of major seminarians during that period.

4- Evolution of religious vocations and consecrated life. As for the evolution of religious vocations and consecrated life, significant changes are observed. The number of permanent deacons increased from 48,238 in 2019 to 48,635 in 2020, representing a relative increase of close to 1 %. This increase was highlighted mainly in the Americas, while Europe saw a slight decrease in this group.

On the other hand, non-priest professed religious increased from 50,295 in 2019 to 50,569 in 2020, with notable increases in Africa, Asia and Europe. However, professed religious women experienced an overall decrease of 1.7 %, with Europe and the Americas as the continents most affected by this downward trend in consecrated religious life.

Importance of vocational support

Supporting priestly vocations is fundamental for the growth and vitality of the Catholic Church worldwide. The numerical data reflect the need to strengthen the formation and accompaniment of seminarians to ensure an integral and committed preparation for the community and the Christian faith.

The CARF Foundation plays a crucial role in financially supporting the formation of seminarians, providing concrete opportunities for those who feel called to the priesthood to receive an integral education.

The cost of training a seminarian may vary depending on the country and specific circumstances, but, in general, it represents a significant investment in time, resources and dedicated effort. This investment not only benefits the individual in formation, but also positively impacts all Catholics by ensuring committed and well-prepared priests to guide and serve the faithful.

The benefactors and friends of the CARF Foundation also pray that the growth in priestly vocations is a positive indicator for the Catholic Church, and the support and proper formation of seminarians is essential to strengthen the Church's presence in the world.
