Is it good to always receive communion?

We celebrate the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ. We had already celebrated the institution of the Eucharist on Holy Thursday, together with the commandment of brotherly love and the institution of the priesthood, on the eve of the Passion. Now we focus on thanksgiving to Jesus for remaining with us to nourish us in the Eucharist and accompany us in the tabernacle.

How humble Jesus is to the point of being totally helpless before us! A look at what is happening today will help us to examine and improve our love.

St. Paul's approach

When St. Paul describes the scene to the Corinthians, he adds something that impresses: "For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. Therefore, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. Let each one therefore examine himself, and then let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup; for he who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks his own condemnation. For this reason there are many among you patients and weak, and so many die (1 Cor 11:26-30). Why is there so much evil in the world? Because Christ is not treated with love in the Eucharist.

Unfortunately, today there is much disrespect for the Eucharist. There are people who, instead of considering it as a great gift, which we receive in spite of our unworthiness, but determined to keep our souls as clean as possible, claim to receive communion as if it were a right. Throughout the centuries, those who were in sin and wished to approach the Lord, acknowledged their guilt with simplicity, asked his forgiveness in the sacramento of penance, determined to convert and change everything in his life that needed to be changed. Now many do not recognize themselves guilty of anything and demand that the Church be merciful and recognize their "right" to receive communion. Or else they approach the altar directly, without further ado, to receive the Body of Christ. The question posed by St. Paul is still fully relevant today: Why are there so many evils in the world? Because Christ is not treated with love in the Eucharist.

Feast of Corpus Christi, Italy

Corpus Christi Day

This feast is a great day to make amends for so many offenses against the Body and Blood of the Lord, and to make every effort to receive him always with due dignity, well disposed: worthily dressed for this meeting of love, having kept the Eucharistic fast, and, above all, with a clean soul.

During the last decades, the importance of frequent communion in order to participate actively in the Eucharist has been insisted upon in pastoral action. It is not a food for the saints and the pure, but for weak men who need to fortress -it is said, and it is true. But Jesus also clearly warned: Do not give holy things to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn and tear you to pieces (Mt 7:6). Communion is a great gift from God to heal hearts wounded by weakness and sinbut who want to be healed and purified, resolutely turning away from the mire.

To love the Eucharist implies preparing ourselves to receive it well, and to help our friends to value this gift and to receive it always with the proper dispositions, even if less frequently: it will not harm them; the intimate pain of not coming close to receive the Lord will move them to conversion and to value more the gift of grace.

The gift of the Eucharist

But in addition to nourishment, Jesus present in the Eucharist gives us the gift of always stay close to us in the Tabernacle. It will help us all to grow in life Christian go and visit him, accompany him for a while every day, and rediscover the good that spiritual communion does for the soul. Also when we have had a slump and we still do not have a clear look to contemplate the Lord face to face, we can go to him in the tabernacle, or make a spiritual communion and he will heal us, until he gives us that embrace of reconciliation in penance. But he also strengthens us, consoles us and encourages us whenever we need it.

In the Corpus Christi procession, Jesus goes out into the streets to meet everyone, even those who do not go to church. ChurchTo call them to return home and rekindle the warmth of their friendship. May we adore him and ask him to transform the hearts of all the people who at that moment are in the streets to reign in their hearts and make them happy.

How would the Blessed Virgin prepare herself to receive Jesus in the Eucharist when she attended the Eucharist? Mass celebrated by St. John or any of the Apostles? We ask her to help us receive her Son with the purity, humility and devotion with which she received him.

Mr. Francisco Varo Pineda
Research Director
University of Navarra
Faculty of Theology
Professor of Sacred Scripture
