Formation of priests

Conoce el desafío que supone la formación de sacerdotes diocesanos y religioso en todo el mundo.

More than 800 bishops from the five continents apply each year for places and grants for their candidates in the different faculties of Pamplona and Rome.

Sin sacerdotes no hay sacramentos

Why do we promote the formation of priests?

Sin sacerdotes no hay sacramentos, no hay Eucaristía. Como cristianos tenemos el deber de apoyar la formación de sacerdotes.

El desafío de la formación de sacerdotes

Each course we help the formation of priests with the financing of direct and indirect scholarships of approximately:
400 seminaristas.
1.420 sacerdores diocesanos.
100 miembros de instituciones religiosas.

Impide que se pierdan vocaciones por falta de medios económicos

Where are the candidates sent by their bishops trained?

Seminario Internacional Sedes Sapientiae
Sedes Sapientiae International Seminar

Established in Rome by the Holy See in 1991. It can accommodate 90 resident seminarians and their formators. It occupies the former Conservatory of St. Paschal Baylon, in Trastevere, very close to St. Peter's and the Pontifical University.

Seminario Internacional Bidasoa Pamplona
Bidasoa International Seminar

Founded in Pamplona by the Holy See in 1988. It has a capacity for 100 residents and 10 formators. It currently occupies a modern building in Cizur Menor, near the campus of the University of Navarra.

Universidad Pontificia de la Santa Cruz, Roma
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross

San Josemaría Escrivá siempre tuvo el deseo de crear en Roma un centro de enseñanza superior de ciencias eclesiásticas. El beato Álvaro del Portillo lo puso en marcha en 1984 como Centro Académico. Dispone de cuatro facultades eclesiásticas: Theology, Filosofía, Derecho Canónico y Comunicación Social Institucional, y de un Instituto Superior de Ciencias Religiosas.

Facultades Eclesiásticas de la Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona
Ecclesiastical Faculties of the University of Navarre

They were erected by the Holy See in 1988 and their academic degrees have full canonical validity. Today it has faculties of Theology, Philosophy, Canon Law, and the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences.

Colegios Sacerdotales en Roma Altomonte y Tiberino
Priestly Colleges in Rome

Altomonte and Tiberino are two priests' colleges with modern facilities and more than 100 places for priests studying at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross.

Colegio Mayor Aralar
Senior schools and residences in Pamplona

Echalar, Aralar and Albáizar, together with the Los Tilos residence, have places for more than 130 students who come from all over the world to study in the Ecclesiastical Faculties of the University of Navarra.

What studies can be pursued for the formation of priests?

Main areas of priestly formation in ecclesiastical universities:


Encompassing a diversity of cultural contexts included in today's society. It offers a formative project based on the conviction that the Mystery of Christ is fundamental.


It fosters the reconciliation between the knowledge of different cultures, and between reason and faith. It studies the understanding of truth in its anthropological and historical-cultural context.

Canonic Law

A study of science that delves into the theoretical and practical juridical system of the Catholic Church in the world, combining juridical formation with pastoral sensitivity.

Comunicación Institucional

Its objective is to train professionals in the field of communication to serve ecclesiastical institutions.


Encompassing a diversity of cultural contexts included in today's society. It offers a formative project based on the conviction that the Mystery of Christ is fundamental.


It fosters the reconciliation between the knowledge of different cultures, and between reason and faith. It studies the understanding of truth in its anthropological and historical-cultural context.