Celebrating the sacraments thanks to the case with sacred vessels

One of the objectives of the Patronato de CARF Social Action is to raise funds to provide seminarians being trained at the Ecclesiastical Universities of Rome and Pamplona, thanks to the help of CARF, with cases or briefcases containing the sacred vessels and liturgical utensils so that they can celebrate the sacraments once they are ordained in remote parts of the world. Priest José Luis Solís is grateful for this gift. 

My name is José Luis Solís Rincón, from the diocese of Celaya, Mexico. In 2015 I finished my initial formation at the Bidasoa International Seminary and at the University of Navarra, in Pamplona.

I would like to thank the CARF Board of Trustees for their unconditional support. Today I have the opportunity to share with you that the briefcase that was given to us at the end of our formation in the Seminary has been a great help. This briefcase contains the sacred objects to celebrate some sacraments, especially the Eucharist.

When I returned to my diocese, my bishop appointed me to serve in a parish. There, every Thursday, the extraordinary ministers of communion and I took Viaticum to the sick, for which I found the reliquary to carry Our Lord very useful. I would take the hyssop from the case to sprinkle the house with holy water.

When I was ordained a priest, I had the opportunity to administer the sacrament of the anointing of the sick. It is worth mentioning that on many occasions the situation of the sick is very painful. The sacred oils, I carried them in the chrism bottles that were in the briefcase.

Finally, I would like to share with you that, on occasion, some parish priests asked me to help them celebrate the Eucharist in remote places in their parishes. To get to those places, whose landscape was beautiful and where there was a great silence, it was sometimes necessary to ride a horse or a donkey or to continue walking to get to the place to celebrate Mass.

People flocked from many places around, I confessed them and we celebrated the
Eucharistic Banquet using the sacred objects contained in the case. I thank again CARF and all its representatives. I pray to God for the fruits of this work.

Colaboradoras del Patronato de Acción Social de CARF entregan el maletín de vasos sagrados a seminaristas de Bidasoa.

Collaborators of CARF's Social Action Patronage deliver the case of sacred vessels to seminarians of Bidasoa.
