Bloody Land: The drama of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Fundación CARF

CARF News Meeting

Bloody Land: the drama of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the contribution of Christians to peace

We are starting a new line of CARF meetings in which we will talk about situations, realities and current issues with an expert and a student supported by CARF. 


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The Centro Academico Romano Foundation is a non-profit foundation that helps seminarians and priests from all corners of the world receive a formation of excellence at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome and the University of Navarra in Pamplona. If you wish to support our mission you can make your donation by clicking on the following link.

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What will we talk about at this meeting?

Thanks to the dialogue between the student Kameel Spanioly, student of Communication at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome and Dott. Gerardo Ferrara, an expert on the Middle East, we will learn about the political, social and religious situation in Israel and Palestine at this time of serious tension.

 The formation of students like Kameel is vital for the Holy Land and the Catholic Church, since communicators are needed to work in evangelization, in local formation, in relations with the other Christian Churches but also with Jews and Muslims.

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